We were born to create a new real alternative to home delivery and lead the change towards

We were born to create a new real alternative to home delivery and lead the change towards

a new last mile logistics

a new last mile logistics

Deliver more and generate fewer emissions

At Kanguro, we understand sustainability as the key to guaranteeing a viable future for the environment and cities. That is why our delivery and collection solution focuses on improving logistics efficiency based on using an agnostic network and thus reducing CO2 emissions.

The environmental impact of today’s last mile

60% of CO2 pollution in cities is caused by last mile transportation. This has a very negative impact on the environment due to the number of trips made by vehicles, congesting traffic and also polluting cities acoustically.

An agnostic out-of-home delivery system as a sustainable and disruptive solution

Boosting deliveries outside the home reduces the environmental impact of the last mile. Kanguro convenience points are easily accessible and do not require a vehicle to access them and allow users to conveniently pick up or deliver their orders without having to resort to home delivery. Using the Kanguro network means:

At Kanguro, we want to change the Status Quo of last mile logistics and be able to meet climate needs and help cities meet thedecarbonization laws current.

We fight for last-mile logistics, where companies can take advantage of an agnostic and shared collection network rather than having to develop their own specific delivery solutions and avoid the deployment of redundant infrastructure.

United, we can achieve more sustainable, efficient and comfortable last mile logistics for everyone.

¿Quieres que te llamemos?

Te llamaremos lo antes posible dentro del horario de atención al cliente de 9:00h a 19:00h

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